Tig Welding Body Panels

There are several ways you can weld body panels, and TIG welding is one of them. This process will provide solid, precise, and clean body panel welding. Knowing TIG welding body panels will add a new skill to your portfolio.

So, let’s see how it works.

Can You Weld Body Panels With A TIG Welder?

Can You Weld Body Panels With A TIG Welder

You can weld automotive or other body panels with a TIG welder. Although it provides precision, clean, and strong welding, TIG welding body panels is not easy. You have to practice your hands and leg movements for that.

You must know the correct mix of materials, electrodes, and welding settings for TIG welding body panels. Plus, you will have to make sure the materials have no contaminants and are compatible with the process.

Choosing the right electrode is also important.

For example, you will need different electrodes for different metals. All other settings and necessary aspects should be maintained while TIG welding body panels. If you can maintain all of them, only then you can ensure strong and neat welding for body panels.

Tools You Need To Tig Weld A Body Panels?

Tools You Need To Tig Weld A Body Panels

A TIG welding process requires different tools for a complete welding task. Each one of these tools performs specific tasks and ensures a successful operation.

Let’s see what tools you will need for TIG welding body panels and their usage:

TIG Welder

TIG welder is the most essential tool for welding body panels. This machine provides adequate power to heat the metal and weld the panels together.

TIG Torch

TIG torch is responsible for welding body panels together. It passes heat through the arc and welds the metals.

Tungsten Electrode

Electrodes are crucial for TIG welding as they create arcs between the metals. Electrodes are available in various sizes, shapes, and materials.

Filler Rods

Filler rods fill in the gaps in the weld and make it stronger. They are also available in many sizes and are made of different metals.


Clamps will keep two metal bodies together while welding. This tool will ensure that body panels do not move while you are welding.


Grinder cleans up the dust, excess metal, or slags from the body panels after they cool down after welding and provides you with a smooth finish.

Safety Equipment

You should be serious about your safety while welding body panels. That’s why you need safety equipment like gloves, goggles, masks, etc.

How Do You TIG Weld Body Panels?

TIG welding body panels require both skillset and practice to be able to perform the job perfectly. But you know the process at first. So, here’s a step-by-step process of TIG welding body panels:

  • Firstly, you have to clean the body panels to remove dust. Use a wire brush or sandpaper for the process.
  • Then, set the TIG welder to the proper amperage, which is perfect for the body panels.
  • Now, fit the welding torch into the welding machine. Make sure both are securely connected with each other.
  • At this point, you have to place the welding torch on the edge of your body panels for welding.
  • Now, strike an arc and start welding your metal body panels.
  • You will have to move the torch continuously in small circulars.
  • After that, when the welding is completed, clean the surface with a wire brush or sandpaper and remove extra metal or slag.
  • Finally, check whether your body panels are appropriately welded and let them cool down before using them for other applications.

TIG Welding Body Panels Common Mistake & How Avoid Them

People make several mistakes during TIG welding body panels. These mistakes can reduce the overall quality of your welding process.

So, let’s see some of the most common mistakes when TIG welding body panels and ways to avoid them:

Not Using the Right Tungsten

You will have to use the correct size of tungsten for the body panels—for example, 1/16 inches. Smaller ones won’t be able to penetrate well into the panels, and the longer ones can cause excessive heat.

Not Cleaning the Panels

It’s a common mistake many people make. You should clean the panels before welding and make sure there’s no oil or grease. A wire brush or sandpaper will do the work.

Not Setting Up Right Amperage

Setting up the correct amperage according to the body panel is very important. Too low amperage can create excessive splatter, while too high can cause a burn.

Not Using the Right Arc Length

You must use the correct arc length if you want proper TIG welding. Short arc lengths burn through your body panels, and large lengths cause excessive spatter.

Not Using Proper Safety Equipment

You have to use proper safety equipment during the welding process. It will safeguard you from any unwanted occurrence.

Safety Precautions When Welding A Body Panels

You will have to maintain some safety precautions during welding body panels. Here are some safety measures you must ensure:

  • You must wear protective gear, such as a helmet, gloves, welding jackets, etc., before TIG welding.
  • Keep your eyes and face adequately distanced from the body panels during welding.
  • Try to keep a fire extinguisher near you for emergency cases.
  • Check your TIG welder and welding accessories for any faults before starting the process.
  • Most importantly, always use the right TIG welding processes.

Last Words

In conclusion, TIG welding is a very useful process for welding body panels cost-effectively. But you must ensure that you use the correct technique, equipment, and safety gear for the process. Most importantly, do it slowly and steadily.


Is it better to TIG or MIG body panels?

Both TIG and MIG are suitable for welding body panels. But TIG welding has some competitive advantages. It is more cost-effective than MIG as it does not require a lot of extra equipment and cleaning.

Which welding is best for chassis?

TIG welding is the best option for welding vehicle chassis as they are mostly made from aluminum alloys or carbon steel. TIG welders perform well with these metals


  • James Smith

    This is James Smith, a Hobbyist welder, welding since my 15th birthday. My father was a professional welding mechanic at a garage and used to take me to garage. My love for welding started then and I learnt basics from my father. At my 15th, my father gifted me a stick welder and my journey to become a welder began. Gradually I accustomed to welding and mastered at tig welding.

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